At Biscovey Academy we recognise that good levels of attendance and punctuality are key in supporting a child’s development and allowing them to fulfil their academic and social/emotional potential.
Studies have shown that high levels of absence can have a direct impact on overall achievement and progress, due to lost learning time. Children who miss school regularly may also find this impacts on their ability to build positive relationships and friendships with other children and staff.
The chart below gives an indication of the positive impact of good levels of attendance across a school year:
Biscovey Academy is committed to maximising the education of all its pupils and aims to work with parents to ensure this can be achieved. Whilst we recognise that some absences are unavoidable (e.g. for ill health, medical appointments or leave for exceptional circumstances agreed in advance with the school) we hope you will support us in supporting your child’s learning and development by ensuring they attend school regularly and on time.
This year, we are aiming to achieve an attendance target of 96%, for every child. This is in line with the current national expectation for school attendance.
To support us in achieving this target, we have a clear Attendance and Absence Policy, which is available on the school website or, in hard copy, via the school office.
The policy makes clear the School’s expectations in terms of regular attendance and punctuality, defines “absence” (both authorised and unauthorised), sets out procedures for reporting absences and explains how to request term time leave for exceptional circumstances (updated to reflect recent clarification in the law governing this area).
It also goes into detail about the School’s procedures for how we go about monitoring levels of attendance and the role of our school based Attendance Officer and the Local Authority Education Welfare Officer in supporting and, where necessary challenging, high levels of absence.
We would encourage you, as parents and carers, to read the updated Attendance and Absence Policy and get in touch with the school should you have any concerns or queries.
We recognise that some absences are unavoidable (e.g. for ill health, medical appointments or leave for exceptional circumstances agreed in advance with the school).
Our Attendance and Absence policy makes clear the School’s expectations in terms of regular attendance and punctuality, defines “absence” (both authorised and unauthorised), sets out procedures for reporting absences and explains how to request term time leave for exceptional circumstances (updated to reflect recent clarification in the law governing this area).
Attendance is monitored weekly by Mr Tyers, Mr Wallbank and Mrs Pascoe. As a school we meet frequently with our Educational Welfare Officer, Mrs McLennan who ensures we are adhering to policy and targeting the appropriate children.
At Biscovey we will work tirelessly with parents and carers to improve their child's attendance, meeting informally in the first instance and then more formally in the second. During attendance meetings we will look to establish the barriers to improving the pupil's attendance and set clear targets moving forward. This will be done in collaboration with the parent and carer and monitored closely by the senior leadership team.