
Year 6 Hazel Class

Miss B Keifer

Class Teacher

Our topic for our second summer term is ‘Cornish Rebellion’ which focuses on An Gof and the impact that he had within Cornwall’s history.

As part of our history unit we will be exploring whether we deem An Gof to be a hero or Villain, what Cornwall was like 500 years ago and the impact that he had on the local area.

Our class book is ‘Holes’ by Louis Sachar which follows Stanley Yelnats on his adventure at Camp Green Lake and the flashbacks to the history of the lake.

We are excited this term to be experiencing our year 6 camp, rehearsing for our end of year show and enjoying celebrations such as sports day. 

P.E Timetable and Kit:
For Hazel Class P.E will be taking place on Monday morning and Friday afternoon. Children are expected to wear school uniform to school and change into their P.E. kits during school time.

P.E Kit requirements:

-Sky Blue Biscovey Academy t-shirt

-Navy Blue Biscovey Academy hoody

-Black shorts (black tracksuit bottoms can be worn for outside P.E. when the weather is cold)



All children are expected to read daily, with this being recorded in their personal reading logs. In addition, children are expected to be regularly practicing their times tables knowledge and rapid response. 

English and Maths homework will be assigned as necessary by the class teacher. Year 6 pupils have access to SATS bootcamp to aid with their English and Maths skills.

Miss M Reynolds

Teaching Assistant

Miss E Scott

Teaching Assistant

Biscovey Academy
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