
Year 3 Juniper Class

Miss L Swift

Class Teacher

Miss S Carpenter

Teaching Assistant

Welcome to Summer 2! We cannot believe that we are in the final half term of Year 3 already!
Our topic is "Exciting Egyptians."
We will be continuing our work on money and time in Maths. In English, we will be writing a diary entry, saviour narrative and some poetry. Our VIPERS books will link to our topic of Ancient Egypt. In Science, we will be looking at plants and what makes them special. 
Have a look at the curriculum half term map for more detail!
P.E Timetable and Kit:
For Juniper Class, P.E will be taking place on Monday mornings and Thursday afternoons. 
Children should have their PE kit in school throughout the week in case of any timetable changes.

P.E Kit requirements:

-Sky Blue Biscovey Academy t-shirt

-Navy Blue Biscovey Academy hoody

-Black shorts (black tracksuit bottoms can be worn for outside P.E. when the weather is cold)


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