Mr D Salway
Class Teacher
Welcome to Sycamore Class!
We are very excited to begin Year 4 with you all and share lots of exciting learning experiences!
Our first topic of the year is all about India! Our curriculum lessons will be geography based, where we will look at the weather in India. We will also use this topic to learn about the Equator and the Northern and Southern Hemispheres as well as time zones. In science, our focus for this half term is on electricity. The children will learn how to make simple series circuits and investigate conductors and insulators. During this half term, the children will apply this scientific knowledge as we look at how to make electrical torches as part of our Design and Technology curriculum.
In writing, we will begin Year 4 by focusing on the basics of grammar and applying these within our writing. Our second writing unit focuses on persuasive writing. The children will explore a persuasive text about visiting India and innovate this to create their own piece of persuasive writing. Finally, we will finish the half term by looking at the work of Rudyard Kipling and then learning about Tanka poems.
We will start this half term by looking at Place Value in Maths. We will then move on to Addition and Subtraction. We will also be continuing to develop the children's knowledge of times table facts, and building on their knowledge from Year 3. In PE, we will be doing netball. In these lessons we will explore a range of skills such as dodging, footwork and interception. Our other curriculum lessons this half term will be computing, French and PSHE.
P.E Kit requirements:
-Sky Blue Biscovey Academy t-shirt
-Navy Blue Biscovey Academy hoody
-Black shorts (black tracksuit bottoms can be worn for outside P.E. when the weather is cold)