
Year 4 Sycamore Class

Mr D Salway

Class Teacher

Mrs D Seavers

Teaching Assistant

Welcome back Sycamore class!


We hope you have had a lovely half term break. We have some very exciting lessons planned for our final half term of Year 4!


Our final topic of the year is Africa! Our curriculum lessons will be geography based where we will explore the location of Africa and the many countries it is made up of. We will also use this topic to learn more about weather and climate. In our music lessons, we will be having a go at African drumming! We will also complete an Art and Design unit where we will develop our skills using watercolours to create African silhouettes and look at the work of American contemporary artist, Kara Walker.


In science, we are continuing with our previous topic on the different states of matter. The next few weeks will explore the impact of temperature on different states, as well as the process of evaporation and the water cycle.


In our first writing unit, we will look at Lila and the Secret of Rain by David Conway and Jude Daly. A story about a young girl who lives in a Kenyan village. After this, we will be exploring the actions narrative, Born to Run by Michael Morpurgo. In maths, we are finishing our previous unit on Money and will then be moving on to Time, Statistics and Geometry.


In PE, we will be doing athletics and focusing on a range of skills such as throwing, jumping, sprinting and relays. Our other curriculum lessons will be RE and RSE.

P.E Timetable and Kit:
For Sycamore Class P.E will be taking place on Tuesday mornings and Thursday afternoons (as of 03/06/24).  

P.E Kit requirements:

-Sky Blue Biscovey Academy t-shirt

-Navy Blue Biscovey Academy hoody

-Black shorts (black tracksuit bottoms can be worn for outside P.E. when the weather is cold)


Homework Expectations - Year 4
In Year 4, the expectation for homework is as follows:
- Daily reading (this can be done independently, with an adult to sign reading records)
- Weekly spellings (Sent home on a Friday in reading records. Test the following Friday)
- Reading comprehension booklet (Sent home on a Friday. Due on a Wednesday)
- Times table booklet (Sent home on a Friday. Due on a Wednesday)
If you have any questions or queries about your child's homework, then please speak to your child's class teacher. 

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