
Year 5 Rowan Class

Mrs J Bird

Class Teacher

Mrs S Walters

Class Teacher

Mrs M Pagram

Teaching Assistant

Mrs C Wells

Teaching Assistant

Welcome back Rowan Class!
We can't believe that we have already reached our final half term with you. Where has the year gone?
It's a really busy half term as we have lots of upcoming events. These include Sport's Day, Year 5 Aspire Sport's Day, a visit to the Minack Theatre, a day of sailing at Polkerris and a two day visit to Manchester!
For more details, please have a look at the half term plan. 
In VIPERS this half term, we are reading 'The Secret Garden' by Frances Hodgson Burnett.
The synopsis reads: When the spoilt and bad-tempered Mary is orphaned at the age of ten, she is sent from India to live with her uncle on the Yorkshire Moors. At first, she is utterly miserable, but her discovery of a secret garden in the grounds of the house and her growing friendship with her cousin Colin and Dickon, who has a strange affinity to the garden and the animals, begin to change her.
We will be continuing to use all of our reading skills to make inferences, predictions and retrieve information from the text.
The Secret Garden
We will start the term by looking at a change of viewpoint in narratives.  Children will write their own stories based on the Victorian novel, 'The Secret Garden.'
Following this, we will be focusing on discussion text and persuasive writing based on our geography topic comparing land use in London and Cornwall. 
This half term, our focus will be on decimals: +, -, x and ÷ by 10, 100 and 1000 before moving on to looking at negative numbers and finally, measurement (converting units of length, mass, capacity and time and volume).
As well as teaching these units, we will also be focusing on developing children's mastery in maths and their arithmetic skills through daily practice.
Our Science this half term will focus on the physical and emotional changes that occur during puberty.
This half term, we complete our final geography topic by looking at and comparing the different land use in London and Cornwall.
Over the course of 5 key questions, the children will learn about the historical use of land in both areas and explore why these areas have changed and continue to change. They will have the opportunity to use maps, satellite and aerial images to support their inquiries. 
We take our inspiration from the work of Georgia O'Keeffe to produce our own 'gateway' into the secret garden. The children will use mixed media, including paint, fabric and pastels. 
Our focus this half term is on athletics, so fingers crossed for a lovely, sunny half term!
Our sessions will answer the question: What is the best way for a Christian to show commitment to God?
We will be looking at Coding - Micro:bits
P.E Timetable:
For Rowan Class, P.E will be taking place on Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon. We ask that children bring their P.E kit in to school for the whole week to get changed at school.

P.E Kit requirements:

-Sky Blue Biscovey Academy t-shirt

-Navy Blue Biscovey Academy hoody

-Black shorts (black tracksuit bottoms can be worn for outside P.E. when the weather is cold)


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